Jo Oliver (Soul-Rock Artist) - Sänger/Songwriter/Multi-Instrumentalist & Musikproduzent
Features, Rezensionen/Reviews & Interviews unten stehend!
Das US-Portal setzte den Sänger Jo Oliver auf die Bestenliste des Musik-Genres "Soul-Rock" ("list of best Soul Rock artists/bands").
Seine Debüt-Single "Shine On (You)" landete auf etlichen Playlisten von US- & UK-Radiostationen und in Deutschland landete der vielseitige Künstler (der hier auch alle Instrumente selbst spielt und alles im Alleingang arrangiert, produziert, gemixt und gemastert hat) kurzfristig sogar auf Platz 1 der Amazon Music Charts in der Kategorie "RnB/Soul", auch wenn "Soul-Rock" wohl wesentlich zutreffender wäre - denn der Titel rockt!
Jo Oliver war (unter seinem bürgerl. Namen) jahrelang aktiv für andere Künstler als Komponist, Arrangeur, Musikproduzent, Studiomusiker, Live-Musiker etc. und widmet sich jetzt mit dieser jahrelangen Erfahrung im Gepäck eigenen Songs in einer eingängigen Mischung aus Rock, Soul & Pop

Zitate (Auszug) / quotes:
"Jo Oliver's "Isolation Has No Good Vibration" perfectly blends the groove of funk and the power of rock."...
"The titular looped lyric "Isolation has no good vibration" is an incredibly catchy hook. Its performance in each new section keeps it fresh and exciting. It feels like a throwback to the tremendous funk-rock tunes throughout history. The vocal performance had so much heart and my whole body moving." ...
"The production is top-notch, with powerful guitar sounds, strong drum groove, and funky clav sounds. The music is powerful, with bombastic guitar, a great lead vocal, and catchy hooks."
Jo Oliver review in

Zitate (Auszug) / quotes:
"There are few irrefutable facts in this world, but here’s one: Jo Oliver does not make bad records." ... "It’s punchy and wise, groovy and hard – it throbs and hums like an electric cable on fire." ... "This time around, Oliver has majored on the rocket-fueled drive and grit, with screaming guitar solos and crunchy riffs." ... "Jo Oliver is the magnetic center of “Isolation (Has No Good Vibration)”. He has the mind of a beat poet and the voice of a rock n’ roll front man. “Isolation has no good vibration,” he bellows on the track, in an explosion of fuzz and wordplay that floors the pedal and watches the cloud of dust recede in the rear-view mirror." ... "His raw and pure approach to his funk-rock aesthetic makes him stand out."... "Released on March 11th, “Isolation (Has No Good Vibration)” not only stomps and cracks the whip musically and vocally; it also showcases gold standard engineering and production." Vollst. Rezension / read all at Soundlooks
Funk Rock Soul - das neueste Jo Oliver feature:

"Bringing FunkRock Back Into Fashion – Rising Soul Musician Jo Oliver Astounds in Recent Releases"
Weitere Zitate (Auszug) / quotes:
"As a multi-instrumentalist, guitarist, producer, and songwriter, there is little Jo Oliver hasn’t mastered yet."

Zitat (Auszug)/ quote: "So the brand new single “Isolation Has No Good Vibration” shines in the funk rock genre (hand played musical instruments!) with an incredibly rich sound, very catchy hooklines and style defining set vocals. Release date was March 11, 2022.
With “Isolation Has No Good Vibration” soul rocker and multi-instrumentalist Jo Oliver speaks from the heart of many sufferers! "Funk Rock” brings back memories of the legendary Rock-Palast performance of the US funk rockers “Mother’s Finest” from Atlanta / Georgia for many older rock music fans. The Berlin musician “Jo Oliver” followed this performance as a teenager and was on fire about this energetic style mix of funk and rock. Years later – after Jo Oliver himself performed on countless stages as a guitarist for other singers and he played guitar on tens of studio productions, wrote songs for quite a few artists and also produced them – this love for funk-rock resurfaces. The songwriter and multi-instrumentalist finally discovered his love for singing and now writes songs in an unmistakable Jo-Oliver sound with rocking guitars, funky riffs and grooves and the depth of soul. “The Spirit Of Soul Meets The Groove Of Funk And The Power Of Rock!” is how you could describe this sound."

review at the German Soundjungle Music Magazin
Rezension im Soundjungle:
Zitat (Auszug) / quote:
"So brilliert die brandneue Single „Isolation Has No Good Vibration“ in dem Funk-Rock-Genre (handgespielte Musikinstrumente!) mit einem unglaublich satten Sound, sehr eingängigen Hooklines und stilprägenden Satzgesang."
und weiter...
"So klingt garantiert kein anderer Künstler weit und breit!
Hier perlen die Gitarren-Licks, grooven die Rhythmusgitarren, das Clavinett und der knackige Bass. Dabei lässt Jo Oliver seine Sologitarre aufheulen wie einst Jimi Hendrix und der Gesang steht stimmgewaltig über der Produktion, fein abgestimmt von gut harmonisierten Chorstimmen an den passenden Stellen unterstützt, aber nie weggedrückt.
Und so verwundert es wenig, dass Jo Oliver ( im Laufe seiner Musik-Karriere schon einige Auszeichnungen einheimsen konnte (Siehe unten stehende Links) und für seine Vorgänger Single „Respect Don’t Panic“ den Deutschen Rock & Pop Preis in der Kategorie „bester Song des Jahres“ verliehen bekam."
Vollständige Rezension lesen / read all - Soundjungle - Spotify - Songlinks
"Awesome artist and awesome song! Thank you!" Bryant C Kiss 104.7 (USA)
Zitat (Auszug)/ quote: "Up-and-coming versatile music artist Jo Oliver is captivating the listeners with his latest track ‘Respect Don’t Panic! (Corona Rhapsody)’, a blend of funk and rock." ... "Spreading good vibes and a potential dose of energy, Jo Oliver is creating a major buzz with his latest single ‘Respect Don’t Panic! (Corona Rhapsody)’."... "This talented singer, songwriter, and producer is paving his way in the industry with nothing but his sheer individuality, skills, and an unparallel sense of music." ...
Übersetzung auf deutsch: "Der aufstrebende, vielseitige Musikkünstler Jo Oliver fesselt die Zuhörer mit seinem neuesten Track "Respect Don't Panic! (Corona Rhapsody)', einer Mischung aus Funk und Rock." ... "Mit seiner neuesten Single "Respect Don't Panic! (Corona Rhapsody)" verbreitet Jo Oliver nicht nur gute Laune sowie eine sprühende Dosis Energie, sondern sorgt damit ebenso für Aufsehen." ... "Dieser talentierte Sänger, Songwriter und Produzent bahnt sich seinen Weg in der Branche mit nichts anderem als seiner schieren Individualität, seinen Fähigkeiten und einem unvergleichlichen Sinn für Musik."...
Hier die vollständige Rezension lesen!
Hier kann man nicht nur im Musikvideo in die Single "Shine On (You)" von Jo Oliver herein hören, sondern auch die "One-Man-Band" Performance des Multi-Talents genießen...
Der Audiotrack zum Musikvideo ist in 128 kb angelegt. Besten Hörgenuß bietet der offizielle Download (best quality MP3) bei iTunes, Amazon, Google Play & Co... Streaming bei Spotify, Googleplay etc.
Hier geht es zum Feature des Soul-Rock-Künstlers beim Jamsphere-Rock-Radio:
Zitat (quote): "“Shine On (You)” is a song that masterfully combines the spirit of Soul music with the power of Rock. It is an impeccable production that shows mastery in putting the right elements in the right place."
Vollständige Rezension lesen -
by Nova Music
Weitere Jo Oliver Features Fach-Presse international:
Jamsphere Rock Radio:
Act/One Magazine:
Zitat: "It’s a little masterpiece to be able to write and perform a song that touches that many genres.Thumbs up!"
Vollständigen Artikel lesen:
Download Flyer-PDF mit Links (interaktiv):
Zitat: "... image the sound of this song like “Lenny Kravitz” meets “Queen”."
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for the youtube video of "Shine On (You)" please click here
Zitat: "Holy crow! ... Pretty wild & vibrant sound to go with it too on Jo Oliver’s latest single/video for “Shine On (You)” – I dig this guy!"

Zitat: "The song opens with a perfect multi-part harmony that would make the Doobie Brothers proud."
"It is no accident that Jo has the chops to pull off complex progressive rock arrangements. He has had a long career working as a professional musician and producer..."
Zitat: "WOW, Jo Oliver surprised me! A very interesting sound!"
Vollständige Rezension lesen -
by Viralsound
Die Radio-Version (Radio-Edit) von "Respect Don't Panic!" findest du hier:

Zitat: "The song’s strongest moments comes with the lovely and powerful vocal talents from Jo Oliver. Punchy drums, tinkling pianos, and powered guitars played by the artist himself shows how passionate and complex his love for music is."
Zitat: "As the video makes clear Jo Oliver is a solo act that is able to fill the same sonic space as a full band playing all the instruments himself, a rarity in this age of studio tricks and sampling. The result is a song that bridges generic gaps, it has enough rock muscle so that you can’t ignore it.."
Vollständige Rezension lesen -
by Dave Franklin / music blog ""
Zitat: " “Shine On (You)” – an impressive aptitude for soulful rock-writing - Jo Oliver is an independent Soul-Rock artist with many years of musical experience and the ability to write catchy melodies and combining them with rock hard hooks and thundering...
... Jo Oliver isn’t here to bury modern music, but to praise it, or at least to place it in the greater continuum of rock and soul. Obviously, proudly traditionalist musically, Oliver is also a progressive forward-thinker. ...
... Showing an impressive aptitude for soulful rock-writing, “Shine On (You)” is filled with thundering rhythms, crunchy hard-nosed guitars, sweet harmonies, resonant vocals and soaring choruses. With the combination of enticing vocal deliveries and groovy instrumentals throughout, this is unquestionably a joyous track which is constantly eager to please." Vollständigen Artikel lesen - read more
Zitat: "To call Jo Oliver a talented musician is an understatement. ...our hero was able to create this highly enjoyable masterpiece... Aside from that, Jo sings his butt off throughout, showcasing boisterous vocals and exhilarating lyrical content revolving around appreciating that one person that makes life worth living. ...
If you aren’t motivated to shine, shine, shine after listening to this song, you have to get your ears checked, checked, checked!"
Zitat: ... "Shine On (You) has a charming groove and strong electric guitar overtones. Oliver is able to add a soulful essence to the melody with an enthralling vocal performance." ... "Shine On (You) is a captivating rock-soul song that embellishes Jo Oliver’s musical genius."
Zitat: "Jo Oliver is a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist offering up a hook-heavy sound that fuses the evolution of rock music with a somewhat more retro pop backdrop, making for something that you recognise fairly quickly as his sound. Shine On thrives on the high energy of the instrumentation and the strength of the key line. The set-up fuses distorted guitars with classic keys and a vibrant drum line, on top of all of which the artist’s characterful leading voice delivers the song and its underlying sentiment with notable power." ... Weiterlesen - Read more
"Jo Oliver Delivers a Strong Performance of Shine On (You)"

Zitat: "On this track, Oliver plays Guitar, Bass, Drums, and Keyboards. As if that isn’t enough, he also sings Lead and Background harmony vocals. Take all of these elements and
know that the challenge of doing an entire song by oneself is no small feat, then add the factor that the song is actually very good, and you can’t help but be impressed.
Shine On (You) kicks off with a great sounding vocal harmony that leads into a fantastic and satisfying heavy big riff. The verses are very cool and mellow, semi-reminiscent of an overall Pink
Floyd vibe."... vollständige Rezension lesen - Read more
Zitat: ... "The energy he displays in his performance is infectious, and it’s almost impossible not to like this guy."...
Soul-Rock Spotify Playlist: The spirit of Soul meets the power of Rock... Bitte HIER klicken...

Zitat: "Latest single ‘Shine on (You)’ by the wonderful Jo Oliver is truly fantastic."... Weiterlesen - read more
Auszug aus dem Interview bei
3.) Would you rather be on a major label or would you rather stay independent? Why or why not?
In my musical career I had been working with many partners, record companies & publishers and know that working as an independent artist will give me the most freedom to transform my musical ideas in the way I want it and it sounds right to my ears. For example, I am planning to set up a LIVE band for my project and really want to play live. But for many major labels it means just to “fake” playing real instruments on stage while the music in fact is coming from the computer. The majors... Kompletten Artikel lesen - read more

Auszug aus dem Interview bei "thebandcampdiaries":
I love how you manage to render your tracks so personal and organic. Does the melody come first, or do you focus on the beat the most?
As I come from “old school” songwriting, I mostly develop the whole song (including melody and harmonies) first before I even switch on the recording system. On a handheld recorder, I record my
song ideas as a first step and listen to them again and again. Sometimes it goes very quick, sometimes it takes a longer time to develop the song so that melody and harmonies really fitsto my
ears and everything sounds organic. The whole music is already in my head including what kind of drumbeat should fit the best.
When the songwriting is finished, I start to record a demo version... komplettes Interview lesen - read more
Für alle die die italienische Sprache beherrschen...
Zitat: "Jo Oliver ha un passato come maestro di
chitarra, inoltre ha realizzato jingle e scritto articoli editoriali per riviste musicali.
Nel frattempo, per portare a casa la pagnotta, ha lavorato come musicista (sia dal vivo che da studio) e come produttore musicale"... Weiterlesen - read more

Am 26.01.2018 landete das Musikvideo "Shine On (You)" auf der Startseite der "Showbiz News" als Video Tipp!
Zitate: "Ein solcher Multi-Instrumentalist, Sänger und Musikproduzent ist "Jo Oliver", der radiotaugliche Musikproduktionen quasi im Alleingang aus dem Hut zaubern kann."
"Mit dem Titel "Shine On (You)" legt er einen echten Ohrwurm vor mit aufwändigem Satzgesang, souligen Grooves und rockigen Gitarren-Riffs."
Auszug aus dem Interview:
Opener: "In my musical career I had been working with many partners, record companies & publishers and know that working as an independent artist will give me the most freedom to transform my musical ideas in the way I want it and it sounds right to my ears."
Tell us about yourself and what you do
I have been making a living from music in the widest sense for many years. ... komplettes Interview lesen
VÖ am 26.04.2018 (Wenn es unter unten stehendem Link nicht mehr auf der Blog-Startseite erscheint, bitte unter "older" stöbern...)
Zitat: "Overall, this is a fine piece of funk rock from a highly talented and versatile singer songwriter, who is able to bring his artistic vision into reality with just his own abilities."
Zitat: "A German born multi-instrumentalist that has produced, written and performed music for so many different releases..." Mehr Infos / read more
Zitat: ... "The world could use more artists like Jo Oliver, in-order to make our pop-rock stations more susceptible to uplifting, delightful melodies and tracks with plenty of heart and soul held within."... vollständigen Artikel lesen - read more
Zitat: "Showing an impressive aptitude for soulful rock-writing, “Shine On (You)” is filled with thundering rhythms, crunchy hard-nosed guitars, sweet harmonies, resonant vocals and soaring choruses." ("Shine On You") (Power of Love playlist) (Soul-Rock Playlist)
Soul-Rock Playlist:
Playlist “the power of love”: